Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Blogpost 3: "Positive and Negative Effects of Internet"

Internet is a very useful tool that can make peoples lives in modern society much more convenient, it also has negative effects. For people who want to be productive, the internet offers various opportunities to pursue this goal. But there are also malicious individuals who want to exploit the internet for their selfish motives. 

The positive effect that I've read about Internet is It is easier to do research by P. Regoniel from, he said that if you use Internet in researching instead using books, it will take just a minute to do the research for your assignments, projects etc..

The next article I've read is Children, young adults and even adults get addicted to games online also by P. Regoniel. Now, this is the negative effect, he said that "This can rob away precious time which otherwise should have been used for something more productive". This means that t
he internet can easily eat away our free time just playing online games instead doing important works. Learn how to avoid it. 

Considering that the effects of the internet to people can be both positive and negative, there is a need to manage this technology for man’s overall benefit. Of foremost concern is the need to make sure that internet security is well in place to prevent the negative effects of the internet to innocent people.

"The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life."  

-Andrew Brown

You may not realize it, but time spent using the Internet is usually just wasted time, making you unproductive and resulting in delayed output or nothing done at all. Learn to manage time.

Blogpost 2: "Cyber bullying"

Cyber-bullying is one of the most common cyber-crime to occur in the internet. Millions of citizens experienced this kind of internet crime. The experienced bashing, curses, heard a lot of swearing and they received a lot of bad words from their co-citizens. The cyber-bullying crime should be stopped and here in the Philippines, we implemented a Cyber-crime Law that limits things up.

People who experienced cyber-bullying undergone mental disorders as they had a trauma of receiving extreme hates from people they know that bashed them publicly in the internet. In my opinion, being cyber-bullied is very hard as you are humiliated in front of your friends and in front of strangers as well.

In the article Warily, Schools watch students on the internet, written by Somini Sengupta says that they are watching children in the internet. For me, it is a very practical way of observing the students' lifestyle on the internet.

The next article I've read about cyber-bullying is Students warn peers about cyber-bullying by Dawn Turner Rice from She said that."There are still kids who don't know that this is a big deal (cyber-bullying)," she said. "I have a younger brother, and I'm constantly telling him not to add anybody on Facebook he doesn't know or put anything up there that he doesn't want people to see. It lasts forever and it can either hurt you or come back to haunt you."  

With these, I can say that cyber-bullying is deliberate and aggressive, but it is important to recognize that some incidents of cyber bullying are known to be unintentional and the result of simply not thinking about the consequences. What may be sent as a joke, may not be received as one, and indeed the distance that technology allows in communication means the sender may not see the impact of the message on the receiver. There is also less opportunity for either party to resolve any misunderstanding or to feel empathy. It is important that pupils are made aware of the effects of their actions.

-Demi Lovato

For me, this quotes means that before doing cyber-bullying, if you have something mean to say, look in the mirror & say it to yourself. Maybe you'll think twice.

Blogpost 1: "SNS Life"

SNS or Social Networking Site is one of the most powerful media nowadays. Almost everyone knows hot to use it and yes, truth be told, almost everyone has an account at every SNS available. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and are some of the most common networking sites accessible to the public and all of these are very easy to use. I honestly have SNS accounts too and I am pretty active. I use this media to express my inner thoughts publicly and of course, to tell my friends a story they must hear from me.

There is also something in SNS that catches everyone's attention. It entertains everyone and it helps us to keep in touch with people we treasure. The social media cares for us although sometimes, it may seem to have disadvantages.

One of the articles I've read about social media sites is Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites by Alexa Rank from The blog is all about the most popular or most commonly used sites in the social media industry. Facebook ranked 1 and the rest are (in order): Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, tumblr, flickr, VK, Instagram, MySpace, Tagged, Meet up, Ning, Meet me and Classmates.

The next article for teenagers and they might agree with this. The article is named Teenagers and social networking – it might actually be good for them. It is written by Clive Thompson from She said that "Parents are wrong to worry that kids don't care about privacy. In fact, they spend hours tweaking Facebook settings or using quick-delete sharing tools, such as Snapchat, to minimise their traces. Or they post a photograph on Instagram, have a pleasant conversation with friends and then delete it so that no traces remain."  

In the end, she said that the goal for socializing online is not just to talk to each other but to forge a connection.

With these, I could say that the social media sites are not just for entertainment and self-satisfaction. We can form friendship and also connect with people online and forge a close bond with them. I am full of hope that people, especially the teenagers, will use the sns properly. Do not be self centered and use SNS properly to form a friendship noone can eve break.

“Social media isn't something that you "do", 

instead you have  to "be" social.” 

For me, this quote means that social media isn't built for nothing. It is built for a purpose and that is to socialize with people living beyond internet.